Shortly after retiring in July 2019, Bishops David Bryan and Thad Barnum, who oversee Call2Disciple, asked that I consider coming alongside them in the ministry of soul care. Bishop Thad, who is on the frontline, was at capacity in his ability to care for the increasing numbers of clergy who were seeking soul care as they faced the endless demands of ordained leadership. After months of prayer, and with Archbishop Foley Beach’s enthusiastic endorsement, I accepted Thad’s invitation to provide soul care to those clergy within the Anglican Church of North America, and beyond, who are struggling to serve the Lord within the Body of Christ faithfully and fruitfully.
Perhaps the most sobering fact about serving the Church as an ordained leader is that many clergy finish poorly or abandon their call long before retirement age. Pressures such as marital strife, family struggles, congregational expectations, and long hours addressing spiritual and administrative needs can leave pastors feeling weary and defeated. Sadly, when that happens, they often believe there is no safe person to turn to for help. Consequently, many pastors find themselves hopelessly isolated. Such aloneness renders them the prefect target for an attack by the Enemy, who specializes in neutralizing shepherds so that he can wreak havoc on the flock entrusted to their spiritual care.
I envision the ministry of soul care as providing that “safe space” for pastors such that they experience the freedom to express transparently the problems they face and receive compassionate spiritual wisdom aligned with sound biblical principles. Accordingly, as a soul care provider I function not as a mental health counselor psychoanalyzing problems or a ministry coach helping pastors to establish objectives and reach strategic goals. Rather my role is to be a companion on the way, praying for and encouraging pastors, while ever-redirecting their focus on Jesus—the unconditional lover of souls.